Class Description

ZBQP: Strict Quantum ZPP

Defined as RBQP ∩ coRBQP. Equivalently, the class of problems in NP ∩ coNP such that both positive and negative witnesses are in FBQP.

For example, the language of square-free numbers is in ZBQP, because factoring is in FBQP and a factorization can be certified in ZPP (indeed in P, by [AKS02]).

Unlike EQP or ZQP, ZBQP would generalize ZPP in practice if quantum computers existed, in the sense that it provides proven answers.

Contains ZPP and is contained in RBQP and ZQP. Also, ZBQPZBQP = ZBQP. Defined here to clarify EQP and ZQP.

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EQP: Exact Quantum Polynomial-Time

The same as BQP, except that the quantum algorithm must return the correct answer with probability 1, and run in polynomial time with probability 1. Unlike bounded-error quantum computing, there is no theory of universal QTMs for exact quantum computing models. In the original definition in [BV97], each language in EQP is computed by a single QTM, equivalently to a uniform family of quantum circuits with a finite gate set K whose amplitudes can be computed in polynomial time. See EQPK. However, some results require an infinite gate set. The official definition here is that the gate set should be finite.

Without loss of generality, the amplitudes in the gate set K are algebraic numbers [ADH97].

There is an oracle that separates EQP from NP [BV97], indeed from Δ2P [GP01]. There is also an oracle relative to which EQP is not in ModpP where p is prime [GV02]. On the other hand, EQP is in LWPP [FR98].

P||NP[2k] is contained in EQP||NP[k], where "||NP[k]" denotes k nonadaptive oracle queries to NP (queries that cannot depend on the results of previous queries) [BD99].

See also ZBQP.

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RBQP: Strict Quantum RP

The class of problems in NP whose witnesses are in FBQP. For example, the set of square-free numbers is in coRBQP using only the fact that factoring is in FBQP. (Even without a proof that the factors are prime, the factorization proves that there is a square divisor.)

Contains RP and ZBQP, and is contained in BQP and RQP. Defined here to clarify EQP; see also ZBQP.

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ZQP: Zero-Error Extension Of EQP

The class of questions that can be answered by a QTM that answers yes, no, or "maybe". If the correct answer is yes, then P[no] = 0, and vice-versa; and the probability of maybe is at most 1/2. Since some of the probabilities have to vanish, ZQP has the same technical caveats as EQP.

Defined independently in [BW03] and in [Nis02].

Contains EQP and ZBQP and is contained in BQP. Equals RQP ∩ coRQP. There is an oracle such that ZQPZQP is larger than ZQP [BW03]; c.f. with ZBQP.

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