Class Description

RP: Randomized Polynomial-Time

The class of decision problems solvable by an NP machine such that

  1. If the answer is 'yes,' at least 1/2 of computation paths accept.
  2. If the answer is 'no,' all computation paths reject.

Defined in [Gil77] (implicitly: the class VPP that is defined is equivalent to RP by running the recognizer as many times as necessary to reach probability 1/2).

Contains the problem of testing whether an integer is prime [AH87], although this problem was subsequently shown to be in P [AKS02].

For other problems in RP, see the standard text on randomized algorithms, [MR95].

Has the same p-measure as ZPP. Moreover, this measure is either zero or one. If the measure is non-zero, then ZPP = BPP = EXP [IM03].

See also: coRP, ZPP, BPP.

Linked From

BPP: Bounded-Error Probabilistic Polynomial-Time

The class of decision problems solvable by an NP machine such that

  1. If the answer is 'yes' then at least 2/3 of the computation paths accept.
  2. If the answer is 'no' then at most 1/3 of the computation paths accept.

(Here all computation paths have the same length.)

Often identified as the class of feasible problems for a computer with access to a genuine random-number source.

Defined in [Gil77].

Contained in Σ2PΠ2P [Lau83], and indeed in ZPPNP [GZ97].

If BPP contains NP, then RP = NP [Ko82,Gil77] and PH is contained in BPP [Zac88].

If any problem in E requires circuits of size 2Ω(n), then BPP = P [IW97] (in other words, BPP can be derandomized).

Contained in O2P since problems requiring exponential sized circuits can be verified in O2E [GLV24] [Li23] which can be used to derandomize [IW97].

Indeed, any proof that BPP = P requires showing either that NEXP is not in P/poly, or else that #P requires superpolynomial-size arithmetic circuits [KI02].

BPP is not known to contain complete languages. [Sip82], [HH86] give oracles relative to which BPP has no complete languages.

There exist oracles relative to which P = RP but still P is not equal to BPP [BF99].

In contrast to the case of P, it is unknown whether BPP collapses to BPTIME(nc) for some fixed constant c. However, [Bar02] and [FS04] have shown hierarchy theorems for BPP with a small amount of advice.

A zero-one law exists stating that BPP has p-measure zero unless BPP = EXP [Mel00].

Equals Almost-P.

See also: BPPpath.

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coRP: Complement of RP

Defined in [Gil77]. (This paper does not actually discuss coRP, other than implicitly mentioning that ZPP = RP ∩ co-RP. Is there a better reference?)

Contains the problem of testing whether an integer is prime [SS77].

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δ-RP: δ-Semi-Random RP

Same as δ-BPP, but for RP instead of BPP.

For any δ>0, δ-RP = RP [VV85].

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FPR: Fixed-Parameter Randomized

Has the same relation to FPT as RP does to P.

Defined in [AR01], where it was shown that, if the Resolution proof system is automatizable (that is, if a refutation can always be found in time polynomial in the length of the shortest refutation), then W[P] is contained in FPR.

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HalfP: RP With Exactly Half Acceptance

The class of decision problems solvable by an NP machine such that

  1. If the answer is 'yes,' exactly 1/2 of computation paths accept.
  2. If the answer is 'no,' all computation paths reject.

Significantly, the number of candidate witnesses is restricted to be a power of 2. (This is implicit if they are binary strings.)

Contained in RP, EP, and ModkP for every odd k. Contained in EQP by the Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm.

Defined in [BB92], where it was called C==P[half] (C==P being an alternative name for WPP, that apparently didn't catch on or stick). The name used here is from [BS00]. There it was shown that HalfP is contained in every similar class in which 1/2 is replaced by some other dyadic fraction.

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NEXP: Nondeterministic EXP

Nondeterministic exponential time (i.e. NTIME(2p(n)) for p a polynomial).

Equals MIP [BFL91] (but not relative to all oracles).

NEXP is in MIP* [IV12].

NEXP is in P/poly if and only if NEXP = MA [IKW01].

[KI02] show the following:

Does not equal NP [SFM78].

Does not equal EXP if and only if there is a sparse set in NP that is not in P.

There exists an oracle relative to which EXP = NEXP but still P does not equal NP [Dek76].

The theory of reals with addition (see EXPSPACE) is hard for NEXP [FR74].

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PromiseBPP: Promise-Problem BPP

Same as PromiseRP, but for BPP instead of RP.

Defined in [BF99].

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PromiseRP: Promise-Problem RP

The class of promise problems solvable by an RP machine. I.e., the machine must accept with probability at least 1/2 for "yes" inputs, and with probability 0 for "no" inputs, but could have acceptance probability between 0 and 1/2 for inputs that do not satisfy the promise.

Defined in [BF99], where it was also shown that BPP is in RPPromiseRP[1] (i.e. with a single oracle query to PromiseRP).

Contained in PromiseBPP.

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RBQP: Strict Quantum RP

The class of problems in NP whose witnesses are in FBQP. For example, the set of square-free numbers is in coRBQP using only the fact that factoring is in FBQP. (Even without a proof that the factors are prime, the factorization proves that there is a square divisor.)

Contains RP and ZBQP, and is contained in BQP and RQP. Defined here to clarify EQP; see also ZBQP.

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RHL: Randomized Halting Logarithmic-Space

Has the same relation to L as RP does to P. The randomized machine must halt for every input and every setting of the random tape.

Contains undirected reachability (is there a path from vertex u to vertex v in an undirected graph?) [AKL+79].

Contained in RL.

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RHSPACE(f(n)): One-Sided Error Halting Probabilistic f(n)-Space

Has the same relation to BPHSPACE(f(n)) as RP does to BPP.

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RL: Randomized Logarithmic-Space

Has the same relation to L as RP does to P. The randomized machine must halt with probability 1 on any input. It must also run in polynomial time (since otherwise we would just getNL).

Contains RHL.

Contained in SC [Nis92].

[RTV05] give strong evidence that RL = L.

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RNC: Randomized NC

Has the same relation to NC as RP does to P.

Contains the maximum matching problem for bipartite graphs [MVV87].

Contained in QNC.

See also: coRNC.

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RNC1: Randomized NC1

Has the same relation to RNC as NC1 does to NC. And the same relation to NC1 as RP does to P.

Contained in BP•L.

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RPcc: Communication Complexity RP

The analogue of Pcc for bounded one-sided error probabilistic communication complexity.

Contains the complement of the EQUALITY problem.

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UP: Unambiguous Polynomial-Time

The class of decision problems solvable by an NP machine such that

  1. If the answer is 'yes,' exactly one computation path accepts.
  2. If the answer is 'no,' all computation paths reject.

Defined by [Val76].

"Worst-case" one-way functions exist if and only if P does not equal UP ([GS88] and independently [Ko85]). "Worst-case" one-way permutations exist if and only if P does not equal UP ∩ coUP [HT03]. Note that these are weaker than the one-way functions and permutations that are needed for cryptographic applications.

There exists an oracle relative to which P is strictly contained in UP is strictly contained in NP [Rac82]; indeed, these classes are distinct with probability 1 relative to a random oracle [Bei89].

NP is contained in RPPromiseUP [VV86]. On the other hand, [BBF98] give an oracle relative to which P = UP but still P does not equal NP.

UP is not known or believed to contain complete problems. [Sip82], [HH86] give oracles relative to which UP has no complete problems.

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ZPP: Zero-Error Probabilistic Polynomial-Time

Defined as RPcoRP.

Defined as the class of problems solvable by randomized algorithms that always return the correct answer, and whose expected running time (on any input) is polynomial, in [Gil77]. (Proposition 5.5(iii) in this paper shows that the two definitions above are equivalent.)

Contains the problem of testing whether an integer is prime [SS77] [AH87].

In contrast to BPP and RP, it is not known whether showing ZPP = P requires proving superpolynomial circuit lower bounds [KI02].

There exists an oracle relative to which ZPP = EXP [Hel84a], [Hel84b], [Kur85], [Hel86].

Has the same p-measure as RP. Moreover, this measure is either zero or one. If the measure is non-zero, then ZPP = BPP = EXP [IM03].

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