Class Description

ONP: Oblivious NP

The class of functions computable in polynomial time with a shared, untrusted witness for each input size. The input-oblivious version of NP.

L is in ONP if there exists a polynomial time verifier V taking an input and a witness, so that:

  1. There is a witness for each n of polynomial size, so that for any input of size n, if the input is in L, then the verifier accepts on that input and the witness.
  2. If the input is not in L, then for any witness, the verifier rejects on that input.

Defined in [FSW09], where it was shown NP has size nk circuits for some constant k if and only if ONP/1 has size nj circuits for some constant j.

ONP is contained in P/poly and NP [FSW09].

ONP = NP iff NP is in P/poly [FSW09].

If NE is not E then ONP is not P [GM15].

See also YP for an input oblivious analogue of NP ∩ coNP.

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O2P: Second Level of the Oblivious Symmetric Hierarchy

The class of decision problems for which there is a polynomial-time predicate P such that, for each length n, there exists y* and z* of length poly(n) such that for all x of length n

  1. If the answer is 'yes,' for all z, P(x,y*,z) is true.
  2. If the answer is 'no,' then for all y, P(x,y,z*) is false.

Note that this differs from S2P in that the witnesses in each case must only depend on the length of the input, and not on the input itself. In particular, since the conditions imply that the answer is 'yes' iff P(x,y*,z*), the class O2P is included in P/poly.

Less formally, O2P is the class of one-round games in which a prover and a disprover submit simultaneous moves to a deterministic, polynomial-time referee, and furthermore, there is a single winning move the prover can make that works for all x of length n that are yes-instances, and there is a single winning move the disprover can make that works for all x of length n that are no-instances.

Defined in [CR06], where it was shown (among other properties) that O2P is self-low, and that the Karp–Lipton collapse goes all the way down to O2P: if NP is contained in P/poly then PH = O2P.

Contains ONP and coONP [GM15].

It follows [GLV24] from results of [Li23] that for each k, O2P contains a language that has circuit complexity at least nk. (Previously, this was known for NP ∪ O2P based on [CR06].)

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P/poly: Nonuniform Polynomial-Time

The class of decision problems solvable by a family of polynomial-size Boolean circuits. The family can be nonuniform; that is, there could be a completely different circuit for each input length.

Equivalently, P/poly is the class of decision problems solvable by a polynomial-time Turing machine that receives a trusted 'advice string,' that depends only on the size n of the input, and that itself has size upper-bounded by a polynomial in n.

Contains BPP by the progenitor of derandomization arguments [Adl78] [KL82]. By extension, BPP/poly, BPP/mpoly, and BPP/rpoly all equal P/poly. (By contrast, there is an oracle relative to which BPP/log does not equal BPP/mlog, while BPP/mlog and BPP/rlog are not equal relative to any oracle.)

[KL82] showed that, if P/poly contains NP, then PH collapses to the second level, Σ2P.

They also showed:

It was later shown that, if NP is contained in P/poly, then PH collapses to ZPPNP [KW98] and indeed to O2P [CR06] (which is unconditionally included in P/poly). This seems close to optimal, since there exists an oracle relative to which the collapse cannot be improved to Δ2P [Wil85].

If NP is not contained in P/poly, then P does not equal NP. Much of the effort toward separating P from NP is based on this observation. However, a 'natural proof' as defined by [RR97] cannot be used to show NP is outside P/poly, if there is any pseudorandom generator in P/poly that has hardness 2Ω(n^ε) for some ε>0.

If NP is contained in P/poly, then MA = AM [AKS+95]

The monotone version of P/poly is mP/poly.

P/poly has measure 0 in E with Σ2P oracle [May94b].

Strictly contains IC[log,poly] and P/log.

The complexity class of P with untrusted advice depending only on input size is ONP.

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YP: Your Polynomial-Time or Yaroslav-Percival

The class of decision problems for which there exists a polynomial-time machine M such that:

Defined in a recent post of the blog Shtetl-Optimized. See there for an explanation of the class's name.

Contains ZPP by the same argument that places BPP in P/poly.

Also contains P with TALLYNPcoNP oracle.

Is contained in NP ∩ coNP and YPP.

Is equal to ONP ∩ coONP.

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