Class Description

YPP: Yaroslav BPP

The probabilistic analogue of YP; it is to YP what MA is to NP. Formally, the class of decision problems for which there exists a syntactic BPP machine M such that:

To amplify a YPP machine, one can run it multiple times, then accept if a majority of runs accept, reject if a majority reject, and otherwise output "I don't know."

Contains BPP and YP, and is contained in MA and P/poly.

Linked From

YP: Your Polynomial-Time or Yaroslav-Percival

The class of decision problems for which there exists a polynomial-time machine M such that:

Defined in a recent post of the blog Shtetl-Optimized. See there for an explanation of the class's name.

Contains ZPP by the same argument that places BPP in P/poly.

Also contains P with TALLYNPcoNP oracle.

Is contained in NP ∩ coNP and YPP.

Is equal to ONP ∩ coONP.

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YQP: Yaroslav BQP

Is to YPP as BQP is to BPP, and QMA is to MA. The machine is now a quantum computer and the advice is a quantum state |ψ_n>.

Contains BQP and YPP, and is contained in QMA and BQP/qpoly.

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