See SAC for definition.
The class of problems solvable by a nonuniform family of polynomial-size, polylog-depth circuits with unbounded-fanin XOR and bounded-fanin AND gates.
Defined in [GW96], where it was also shown that ⊕SAC1 contains SAC1.
The class of decision problems reducible in L to the problem of deciding membership in a context-free language.
Equals uniform SAC1 [Ven91]: LOGCFL is the class of decision problems solvable by a uniform family of AC1 circuits, in which no AND gate has fan-in exceeding 2 (see e.g. [Joh90], p. 137).
LOGCFL is closed under complement [BCD+89]. For more on LOGCFL from the descriptive complexity viewpoint, including completeness results under FO reductions, see [LMSV01].
Contains NL [Sud78], and also the problem of recognizing graphs of bounded tree-width [Wan94].