Class Description

NPOPB: NPO Polynomially Bounded

The subclass of NPO problems for which the cost function is guaranteed always to be bounded by a polynomial in n (the input size).

See [ACG+99].

NPOPB equals the closure of MaxPB under PTAS reductions [CKS+99].

Linked From

MaxPB: MaxNP Polynomially Bounded

The subclass of MaxNP problems for which the cost function is guaranteed always to be bounded by a polynomial.

MinPB can be defined similarly.

Defined in [KT94].

The closure of MaxPB under PTAS reductions equals NPOPB [CKS+99].

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NPO: NP Optimization

The class of function problems of the form, "Find any n-bit string x that maximizes a cost function C(x), where C is computable in FP (i.e. polynomial-time)."

Defined in [ACG+99].

Contains APX and NPOPB.

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