Class Description

HeurP: Heuristic P

The class of distributional problems solvable by a P machine. Defined in [Imp95], though he calls the class HP.

Alternately, [BT06] define HeurP as being the set of tuples , where is a language and is a distribution of problem instances, such that there exists an algorithm satisfying two properties, for every :

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AvgP: Average Polynomial-Time

A distributional problem consists of a decision problem A, and a probability distribution μ over problem instances.

A function f, from strings to integers, is polynomial on μ-average if there exists a constant ε>0 such that the expectation of fε(x) is finite, when x is drawn from μ.

Then (A,μ) is in AvgP if there is an algorithm for A whose running time is polynomial on μ-average.

This convoluted definition is due to Levin [Lev86], who realized that simpler definitions lead to classes that fail to satisfy basic closure properties. Also see [Gol97] for more information.

If AvgP = DistNP then EXP = NEXP [BCG+92].

Strictly contained in HeurP [NS05].

See also: (NP,P-samplable).

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