The class of functions from {0,1}n to integers expressible as the difference of two #AC0 functions.
Equals GapAC0 under logspace uniformity [ABL98].
The class of problems for which there exists a DiffAC0 function f such that the answer is "yes" on input x if and only if f(x)=0.
Equals TC0 and PAC0 under logspace uniformity [ABL98].
The class of functions from {0,1}n to integers computable by constant-depth, polynomial-size arithmetic circuits with addition and multiplication gates and the constants 0, 1, and -1. (The only difference from #AC0 is the ability to subtract, using the constant -1.)
Equals DiffAC0 under logspace uniformity [ABL98].
The Political Action Committee for computational complexity research.
The class of problems for which there exists a DiffAC0 function f such that the answer is "yes" on input x if and only if f(x)>0.
Equals TC0 and C=AC0 under logspace uniformity [ABL98].