Same as compNP but for interactive (IP) proofs instead of NP proofs.
More formally, compIP is the class of decision problems L in IP = PSPACE such that, if the answer is "yes," then that can be proven by an interactive protocol between a BPP verifier and a prover, a BPP machine with access only to an oracle for L.
Assuming NEE is not contained in BPEE, NP (and indeed NP ∩ Coh) is not contained in compIP [BG94].
The class of problems L that have a decider in the following sense. There exists a BPP machine D such that for all inputs x,
Contains compIP [BG94] and Check [BK89].
Contained in MIP = NEXP [FRS88].
Assuming NEE is not contained in BPEE, NP (and indeed NP ∩ Coh) is not contained in frIP [BG94].