Class Description

cofrIP: Complement of frIP

Linked From

Check: Checkable Languages

The class of problems such that a polynomial-time program P that allegedly solves them can be checked efficiently. That is, f is in Check if there exists a BPP algorithm C such that for all programs P and inputs x,

  1. If P(y)=f(y) for all inputs y, then CP(x) (C with oracle access to P) accepts with probability at least 2/3.
  2. If P(x) is not equal to f(x) then CP(x) accepts with probability at most 1/3.

Introduced in [BK89], where it was also shown that Check equals frIPcofrIP.

Check is contained in NEXPcoNEXP [FRS88].

[BG94] show that if NEE is not contained in BPEE then NP is not contained in Check.

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