An alternating Turing machine is a nondeterministic machine with two kinds of states, AND states and OR states. It accepts if and only if the tree of all computation paths, considered as an AND-OR tree, evaluates to 1. (Here 'Accept' corresponds to 1 and 'Reject' to 0.)
Then AP is the class of decision problems solvable in polynomial time by an alternating Turing machine.
The abbreviation AP is also used for Approximable in Polynomial Time, see AxP.
Same as AP, but for logarithmic-space instead of polynomial-time.
Usually called AP in the literature. I've renamed it AxP to distinguish it from the "other" AP.
The class of real-valued functions from {0,1}n to [0,1] that can be approximated within any ε>0 by a deterministic Turing machine in time polynomial in n and 1/ε.
Defined by [KRC00], who also showed that the set of AxP machines is in RE.
The class of decision problems solvable by a Turing machine in polynomial space.
Equals NPSPACE [Sav70], AP [CKS81], and CZK assuming the existence of one-way functions [BGG+90].
Equals IP [Sha90], but PSPACE strictly contains IP with probability 1 [CCG+94].
Contains P#P (P with a #P oracle).
A canonical PSPACE-complete problem is QBF.
Relative to a random oracle, PSPACE strictly contains PH with probability 1 [Cai86].
PSPACE has a complete problem that is both downward self-reducible and random self-reducible [TV02]. It is the largest class with such a complete problem.
Contained in EXP. There exists an oracle relative to which this containment is proper [Dek76].
In descriptive complexity, PSPACE can be defined with 4 differents kind of formulae, FO() which is also FO(PFP) and SO() which is also SO(TC).
This class is not defined in terms of space, but rather by analogy with the characterization PSPACE=AP. Specifically, a protocol corresponds to a boolean formula where each leaf represents (the indicator function of) a rectangle; the cost of a protocol is the log of the size of the formula.
Contains PHcc.
Same as AP, except we are promised that each existential quantifier has at most one 'yes' path, and each universal quantifier has at most one 'no' path.
Contains UP.
Defined in [NR98], where it was also shown that, even though AP = PSPACE, it is unlikely that the same is true for UAP, since UAP is contained in SPP.
[CGR+04] have also shown that UAPUAP = UAP, and that UAP contains Graph Isomorphism problem.