The class of problems that are polynomial-time Turing reducible to Tensor Isomorphism. Defined in [GQ19]. Can depend on the field, and the relationship for TI over different fields is an open question, but many reductions hold for TI over any field (over finite fields or the rationals this can be done in the usual model of Turing machines; over arbitrary fields one can use the BSS model to formalize this).
Over any field F, contains GI. As with Graph Isomorphism, the Tensor Isomorphism problem itself (say, over finite fields) is contained in NP as well as coAM (and indeed SZK; the same results hold over arbitrary fields in the BSS model). So in particular, if Tensor Isomorphism is NP-complete, then PH collapses.
Many natural problems are TI-complete, such as isomorphism of d-tensors for any fixed d ≥ 3, isomorphism of algebras, conjugacy of spaces of matrices, (pseudo-)isometry of alternating matrix spaces, isomorphism of matrix p-groups of class 2 and exponent p, and equivalence of cubic forms [GQ19]. This was extended to include p-groups of class c<p and exponent p [GQ21]. Analogous classes were also defined under other group actions such as unitary, orthogonal, and symplectic groups [CGQ+24].
No class.