Class Description

LOGLOG: loglog Space

There are several possible definitions of this class; the most common is the class of languages which can be computed in space O(log log n) by a deterministic Turing machine with two-way access to the input. A typical nonregular language in this class has a form such as 00..00a00..01b00..10b00..11a..., with the successive numbers having logarithmic length. It is the smallest of a collection of sublogarithmically bounded space classes, since any smaller space class contains only the regular languages. These and related classes are studied extensively in [Szep94] and [LiRe93]. The alternation hierarchy for this class is infinite ([BGR93]), and the and levels are incomparable unless ; however, the nondeterministic version of the class is closed under complement ([Geff91]).

Sublogarithmically-bounded Turing reductions are equivalent to "regular" (constant-bounded) reductions, however ([Agr01]).

Note that while there are no decision problems that can be tested in one-way loglog space, there are promise problems which can be so tested, such as Balanced Monotone Boolean Sentence Value [Buss91]. Also, the alternation hierarchy over 1-way loglog space still does not collapse.

Obviously contained in L.

Linked From

No class.